You can download your typed Hindi text as either notepad file (.txt) or MS-Word file (.doc).ħ. Click on Help link placed on typing box you will get complete list of Hindi letters with corresponding English letters.Ħ. This Hindi transliteration works on Phonetics so make English letters combination as the sound vibrates from your mouth.ĥ. If not found your desired word in suggestion list, try another combinations of English letters.

(To pop-up suggestion list you can click on particular word also)Ĥ. If you not get desired word you can press backspace key to get more suggestion words, choose one from them. You will see your English typed word gets converted in Hindi.ģ. Type with your English keyboard and press space bar.Ģ. Type in English - " nav varsh 2022 me aapka swagat hai "
India Typing is Free and Fastest method for Type in Hindi online - हिन्दी मे टाइप करे, without learning Hindi keyboard actually. Suggestions list will also appear when you click on that word with mouse. If you think you don't get desired word, you can press backspace key to open word suggestion list from which you can select best fit word for your typing. Just type in English as you type messages in Mobile and press space bar. Hindi Typing is very easy with above method.